10 Skills You Need To Know To Become A Savvy Social MEdia Expert



To become a Social Media Expert, you require a multiple skillsets.

To learn the needed skills, you have to understand the unique concepts and intricacies of being on social media. As a starting point, this includes being able to maneuver with ease through Twitter, Facebook, etc. Below are ten crucial skillsets that you need to take into account when considering a career in social media:

1. Being a Goal Setter and Staying on Time

As is the case with any job or career path you take, learning how to manage your time is essential and is the key to attracting more clients or being recruited by a widely sought after firm. Taking on the role of “expert”, coupled with the responsibility of setting goals can lead to wildly successful execution. The aim and mission should be to help companies collect as many leads/visitors as possible and turn them into loyal clients.

2. Numbers and Figures Are Relevant

If there is one thing to bear in mind, it’s the fact that numbers are everything. Score checking and keeping an eye on the number of likes, shares, followers, subscribers, and top comments are top priorities. Without these statistics, strategies can’t be revised for maximum effectiveness.

3. Reputation Matters

Buying likes, followers, and comments has never been more rampant and prevalent than it has been the past couple of years. The more likes, comments and followers a product/website gets, the better reputation a website has. Unfortunately, all too often, people take the immediate gratification shortcut of buying a reputation by paying people to participate on social media. As industry veterans know, these sorts of methods experience short lived success for the client, they harm the reputation of the social media provider. Being a true Social Media Expert requires a remarkable reputation in order to attract and retain top quality and high profile clients. The higher the reputation, the more the social media consultant’s advice is respected and implemented.

4. Content is a Cornerstone

High Quality content is one of the cornerstones or top priorities in any social media marketing campaign. Ensure your website contains expertly written web page and blog content. It is a strength of character to know when to pass elements of the marketing strategy onto the relevant experts. It is often a good idea to pass the content requirements onto content writing specialists to ensure this essential building block achieves the desired goals.

5. Social Media Platforms

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat are currently the most popular platforms on the internet. However, there are a plethora of other platforms available online. There is often pressure for a social media expert to make sure that the business has an online presence across all social networks. Instead, it is far more important and effective to research which platforms are most relevant to the business and target those.

6. SEO in Marketing Campaigns

A campaign is just one element of the greater digital media marketing campaign. SEO is just as important, if not more important than any other element in the digital marketing strategy. The social media consultant is not expected to be a SEO expert, but is still expected to have a decent amount of proficiency in the area. It is important to understand the role on-page and off-page SEO plays in the entire marketing campaign, as well as know who to hand off the SEO to. This understanding and synchronicity set the stage for powerful digital marketing synergy.

7. Technology

Social media marketing has emerged because of the innovation of technology. The expert should be able navigate around all aspects of current technology. Knowing what devices and platforms users utilize is important when crafting content so it lives up to its design potential.

8. Automation

Learn the art of automation to make your work easier and to increase your levels of productivity, thereby increasing your reputation as a knowledgeable and hard-working expert in your field. Automation is essential, especially when following up on tasks, replying to messages, and retweeting posts. There are several workflow and management programs available to help you automate these simple tasks.

9. Mistakes, Creativity and Social Media

We are all human, which means we all have the potential to make mistakes; which we often do. As mentioned earlier, everyone has a reputation to live up to. This is why whether or not you should admit to making mistakes on social media is a hotly contested topic. It is important to be able to work out or discern what is appropriate to admit on these platforms. Be prepared for these situations by having a process in place as to who will be involved in responding to these unfortunate scenarios.

10. Quantity versus Quality

No matter how many people tell you to focus more on quantity over quality; this isn’t how drawing attention works. For someone who wants to build a good reputation in online marketing, quality matters far more than quantity. According to experts, it is far more important for businesses to establish a community around their brand and develop important relationships with their customers.