The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Users (Infographic)


A new survey has been conducted over 5,000 adult smartphone Internet users. The survey examined the general smartphone usage, mobile and local searching behavior, mobile purchasing patterns and users’ receptivity to media. This is an in-depth and comprehensive look at the rise of the smartphone craze. Here are some key points:

81% of smartphone users access … Continue reading “The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Users (Infographic)”

Whiteboard Friday From The Moz: Topic Modelling And Semantic Connectivity In SEO


With the quick changes of search engine algorithm, we need to adapt ourselves to how search engines work by perforce.
Search engines (especially Google) have became good at interpreting searchers’ keywords. They can seemingly “predict” what we mean to search for, even if that’s not exactly what we search for. How in the world do they … Continue reading “Whiteboard Friday From The Moz: Topic Modelling And Semantic Connectivity In SEO”