Netflix’s “Fast” is now Available For Android and iOS


Netflix’s latest speed testing tool,, is now available as a mobile app.
You can use the app to measure how fast your internet connection is at any given moment. Although it’s not very different than using just the website on your mobile browser, the one-tap shortcut might be handy for someone who’s constantly curious about their … Continue reading “Netflix’s “Fast” is now Available For Android and iOS”

The Basic Keyword Research Techniques For Beginners (Infographic)


Do you want to be more searchable on Google and other big search engines? Fix your keywords rightr now!
Remember after researching, optimising and putting your post together, you still have to promote your post on social media and other outlets to help it rank. Do not just publish your content and then think that’s it … Continue reading “The Basic Keyword Research Techniques For Beginners (Infographic)”

Email List Decluttering: How To Refresh Your Email Marketing Strategy (Infographic)


A recent study revealed that most email databases’ reliability is naturally decreased by 22.5% every year.
Sending emails to such non-exist, invalid, broken, mis-spelled email addresses leads to increase in number of bounces, complaints, and spam trap hits. When these numbers exceed the threshold set by ISPs, your emails may be sent to the spam folder or may … Continue reading “Email List Decluttering: How To Refresh Your Email Marketing Strategy (Infographic)”