Debunking On-Page Ranking Factors: Fact Or Myth? (Infographic)



If you are a dedicated website owner, one of your primary goals will be to optimise your site and increase organic traffic on Google.

When it comes to optimising your website content and other on-page factors, it’s important to not only understand what can positively affect your rankings, but also what can harm them. On the other hand, not optimising your site enough will mean Google won’t see you as relevant, whereas over optimisation will more than likely lead to Google marking your site down. For real search engine success you need to achieve a delicate balance.

This isn’t easy when you consider there are a reported 200+ ranking factors built within Google’s algorithms. The big question is which of those do we have cast iron evidence to support, and which are outright myths? Find out more in the following infographic.

Click to Enlarge

Infographic credit: Red Website Design