Getting The First 1,000 Followers on Pinterest (Infographic)


Pinterest is a lovely social media platform for business. However, it is notoriously hard to master.

Has your Pinterest growth stalled? Are you wondering how to grow your Pinterest audience?

Wonder no more. In the infographic below, you’ll discover five simple steps to quickly increase your number of Pinterest followers. Here are some key points:

  • Fill out your profile completely. Make sure you fill out as many of the following as possible: e.g Email address, contact name, profile picture, about section, website, etc.
  • Verify your website or blog so you can implement Rich Pins and have a verified icon of your website on your profile. Fact: Pinterest Rich Pins with prices averaged 1.5 likes while those without averaged only 1.1 likes.
  • Include a Pinterest button on your product pages: Pinterest offers 5 different styles of buttons and widgets that you can place on your website.
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Infographic credit: Quicksprout.