Mixing Email Campaign and Social Media Marketing (Infographic)



Email and social media are two major marketing tools that will increase in investment by business owners in 2015.

Many business owners employ either email marketing OR social media campaign. Still, companies are rarely integrating these two superb tools together.

Do you often think that email and social media marketing are not belong together? Think again! In today’s post, we share a great infographic that covers various benefits of integrating your social and email strategies together. It also covers both how to grow your email list through social media and vice versa. There is a bunch of cool data and useful statistics that back up the importance of integrating the two together. You’ll also find two really cool case studies that are highlighted in the graphic as well, reminding that integrating social and email is a win-win situation.

Keep in mind that both channels have a specific purpose but by integrating your email and social strategies together you can improve your brand’s reach while adding leads to your sales funnel.

For more detailed information, please take a look at the infographic below.

Click to Enlarge

Infographic credit: Reach Mail.