Social Media Tips: How to Double Your Twitter Followers (Infographic)


Twitter is the first social media that establish its own unique “rules”. It has kept its 140 character limit, despite the pressure to change by many of its followers and the demands to be more like Facebook or Google+.

Twitter is often misunderstood by many people as it insists to keep its initial design and constraints that don’t seem to fit it into an online world that is about bigger being better. Nowadays, Twitter is often seen popping up on the television screen as viewers interact with a show. The “limitation” has played its role, which brings a lot of “uniqueness” to Twitter.

With the popularity of Twitter, increasing your Twitter followers does have some real advantages for business and brands. Here are three good examples:

  1. It increases brand awareness.
  2. It distributes your content wider and faster. This way, you can improve link building to your website and hence improving your organic SEO.
  3. Drive traffic to your blog or website. This can lead to more lead generation and sales.

So how do you double your Twitter followers?

The average Twitter account has a 126 followers and has tweeted 307 times. Doubling that number is not hard a pipe dream. Try to implement some of these tips:

  • Make sure your profile and “Bio” (which is limited to 160 characters) is straightforward and attracts followers in your interests.
  • Tweet more often. Those with 15,000 plus tweets have between 100,000 to 1 million followers
  • Use hashtags. This will expand your tweet visibility.
  • Use tools like Hootsuite and and schedule your tweets.
  • Follow people in your niche or industry. Especially those with a lot of followers on Twitter.
  • Retweet the content of influencers and let them know with the @mention
  • Join in Twitter chats or start one of your own a regular basis
  • Find new followers that share your interests by using tools like Tweepi
  • Twitter is not an inbox but a stream so you need to keep your followers engaged by tweeting valuable content for your target audience
  • Learn from the best.
  • Promote your Twitter account everywhere, but don’t be spammy.

For some more tips, take a look at the infographic:

Click to Enlarge