The Best Words That Will Get Your Content Shared On Social Media (Infographic)



Every content marketer in the world knows that words have an enormous power to influence others.

Marketers use catchphrases to achieve one purpose: to persuade the readers in such a way, so they will do what the writers want (clicking, sharing, ordering, buying, etc.)

They serve the same purpose, but do they say the same thing? Can one word change the way you feel about a button?

The answer is yes. A word can change the meaning, the mood, and the motivation of its reader.

If you’re looking for inspiration for the best catchphrase for your next campaign or just want to recreate the new slogan for your business, then you might want to take a look at the following infographic. These words have been proven effective in multiple social media channels. However, we have also added the list of no-no words that you should avoid.

Click to Enlarge

Another tips to get inspiration is by taking note of the attractive and intriguing words or phrases around you. Try to figure out why a headline stands out more than the other. As you add more words on your list, you can keep it in Evernote or another note-taking app. Be sure to reference them when you’re in a pinch and looking for a powerful addition to your headline, copy, or post.

Thinking about fixing the copy of your website? Are you going to create a new campaign that need professional-looking contents? Contact us today or give us a call on 1300 008 964.