What Makes An Infographic Popular?


Infographics have achieved unexpected popularity over the past few years and it is not just a mere coincidence.

Infographics are colorful, eye-catching, and help breaking information down into easy, digestible pieces for their audiences. Visitors can easily pick up on all of the knowledge in a few minutes or less. It is definitely shorter than using either words or images alone. And this is a good thing, as when it comes to content marketing, anything that helps capture viewers’ attention and keeps them sharing your content are worth the effort.

Unfortunately, not all content is able to go viral. Why are some infographics destined to die in obscurity while others are shared million times? For years, content marketing researchers have been trying to figure out a reliable solution on how to produce viral content consistently. The result is here, presented in a form of a nice infographic. It contains some interesting insights and patterns.

The infographic below concludes that going viral isn’t entirely up to luck. Popular content has certain key characteristics. Take a look at the following infographic and learn what makes an infographic popular.


Infographic credit: Siege Media