10 Amazing and Out Of The Box Uses of Instagram Video


Instagram Video has been released for four months, and users are seeing amazing content on a daily basis. With just 15 seconds, most people would think it would be difficult to create visually compelling videos. However, more users are getting the best of it every day.

Artists, athletes, journalists and musicians are all using Instagram to express themselves in fascinating ways. Below is a list of top ten most creative Instagram Video. Highlights include a music video made entirely through Instagram, a new generation of Saturday Night Live promos and an extreme GoPro adventure.

And the countdown begin with:

1. Shadow

2. Around the World in 15 Seconds

3. Stop Motion Witchcraft

4. Newstagram

5. An Instagram Music Video

6. An Event in Brief

7. Ravioli Hearts


8. Time-Lapse


9. Helmet Cam


10. A Monstrous Cameo