7 Online Marketing Trend Predictions for 2016



Marketing trends change in a matter of second. If you are not swift enough, you’ll be left behind.

With the new online needs every day, people want to see different things with time and react differently to outdated marketing techniques. That said, marketers should be able to adapt the upcoming new trends. Here are some things that many marketing specialists think would be the next big hit in 2016.

1. Content marketing will be bigger than ever.

Spreading valuable content through different channels is a true way of getting the audience’s trust and respect. Usually it is either highly informative or entertaining material on a certain topic. Content-marketing allows you to become closer to your audience and helps to understand it better analysing people’s reaction to your content. The main B2B strategies now include social media, material in business publications, newsletters, different thematic researches and videos and articles on various websites. This tendency shows that mass-oriented marketing (TV and radio) becomes less effective and it is logical to focus on creating useful content for particular groups of people.

2. Social media marketing needs more diverse audiences.

Even a couple of years ago, social media marketing specialists were limited in spreading their campaigns through only three major social networks: Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Now social networks seem to appear regularly. Some of them don’t get very popular, but others such as Google+, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest become more popular with every month and offer more features and option for attracting a wide audience of users. To get the maximum amount of readers, you can experiment with several networks. Such a strategy is useful for many companies as their brands will be more spread and recognizable after appearing on different big social networks.

3. The role of images will become more important.

The amount of information around us grows all the time – we barely keep up with our newsfeed. It means that advertising should be faster and easier apprehended. If we take a look at the most popular social networks, two of them (BuzzFeed and Pinterest) concentrate their attention on pictures. Success is definitely in the viral potential of pictures. It can be seen even now. Often some texts in social network, even simple phrases, are backed up by pictures that emphasize their meaning. Text probably will never go out of fashion, but adding some pictures will always be beneficial for marketing purposes.

4. Everything will be easier, including advertising.

You can see a tendency of people preferring more simplified advertising information now. If you think of the best world-wide brands, Apple and Google come to mind among the first ones. One of their main advantages is great usability and simplicity in advertising. Minimalism and laconism are also the features of Twitter, Vine, Coub and Instagram. The users are now tired of bright, screaming and complicated signals that they see online every day. Besides, new technologies simplify our lives and marketing specialists should keep up with the trend.

5. Mobile is a must for any type of business.

The content should be available for smartphone and tablet users as you can clearly see more and more people using them to surf the net. The content should be adapted to the required content. It can be a mobile version of the site, an app or the same page but with some extended features.

6. The effectiveness of retargeting will grow.

Only 2% of traffic is converted when people visit a sit for the first time and retargeting increases the conversion reminding your users about a product or service that they have already seen. Psychological researches showed that even a simple demonstration of logo influences people’s minds and makes them trust the company and order something from it. Now there are several types of retargeting and in the future, there may be new technologies and new ways for its realisation in different spheres.

7. SEO and social signals will interact more.

Social signals include everything that tells us about users’ behavior in social networks. Likes, shares, tweets and comments can tell us a lot about a person. To suggest relevant content to people, search engines will take into account social signals and pay much more attention to them. Internet-marketing trends change rapidly and you need to make sure you don’t miss anything important.