Add Subtitles to Online Video


Video is a big part of many online marketing campaigns. However, reaching a global audience with video can be difficult, largely because of language barriers in crucial markets. So, what’s the solution?

“Subtitles are a very effective way to broaden your Web audience by conveying the business’ marketing message in multiple languages,” says Stephen McCluskey, CEO of Vzaar, a video platform company that specializes in providing service to e-commerce sites.

Upon recognizing the potential value of including multi-language subtitles on a company’s video content, Vzaar got to work on developing a way to introduce them into its platform, thus enabling e-commerce and online marketers to easily target videos to consumers around the world. This potentially eliminates the need to go back and reshoot or re-record audio for videos set to be distributed globally.

“Subtitles are a must-have for online businesses looking to reach audiences across the globe,” says McCluskey.

But Wait, There’s More!
There are also some other perks to utilizing subtitles in online videos that may not be as readily apparent. For instance, there are some consumers who prefer reading information over hearing it, or those who may be somewhere where audio isn’t appropriate, such as work or a subway car. Subtitles also provide an avenue for these customers to be exposed to a brand’s video message.

For users, including subtitles on a video is a simple process, as Vzaar’s clients are able to upload subtitle files by clicking an icon in the “video management area” and then selecting the languages they want to include. Visitors viewing the videos will be able to choose the language in which they want to view the content.

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