Five Types of Twitter Users


1. The Helpful Users

These people are the reason why you consult Twitter before making a lot of “important” daily decisions. It is as though the Helpful Users are permanently to give you “helpful tips”, even though it is on the hours where nobody awake. Helpful Users also have an encyclopaedic knowledge of all “useful” things like salon directions or food reviews.

Typical following: 494 following / 175 followers.

2. “Celebrity” Users

This type of user probably doesn’t travel all that much but is obsessed with telling people that he is #WorldWideBadass. He will send you a direct message about his mixtape but if you have any questions, he’ll be too busy YOLO-ing all over the place to reply. You don’t really know why you follow this douche, except for his admirable snapback collection.

Typical following: 5390 following/5299 followers.

3. The Hot Users

Every now and then we cross a good-looking person on Twitter and follow them for no reason. They could be anyone. Don’t care. They may tweet inspirational poems. Basically, human beings (including women) will be likely to follow a few people based solely on their physical looks because it’s really nice to have attractive people around. Case closed.

Typical following: 206 following/36 followers.

4. The Twin Users

They live on the totally different world from you, but you’re convinced they’re your cyber twin, or you in a parallel universe, depending on how warped you are. You share similarities on everything from music to sporting teams or movies. Even though you’ve never met this person, you feel compelled to send them every funny meme you get, or that song you like so much.

Typical following: 593 following/509 followers.

5. The Comic Users

This guy probably does boring job during the day, but at night he turns it to a Twitter superstar. During the day, the Comic User comes up with hilarious one-liners. Every night when he comes home, he releases a fury of 140 character gags and his Twitter audience goes nuts and Retweets and Favourites them several times over. He’s constantly thanking people for Trophies from FavStar.

Typical following: 101 following/9423 followers.