How To Maximise Your Instagram Feed For More Likes And Shares (Infographic)



Instagram has become a big canvas of each modern individual’s life.

Nothing can beat Instagram in today’s fastest growing visual social media channel. If you want to arrange your life in pictures, detail every moment, capture every emotion in a frame, then chances are, you will love the concept of this fresh photo-sharing and video-sharing platform. This social platform can be a perfect delight when preserving life’s joys and sorrows in virtual frames.

Instagram is also a brilliant platform to engage your audience through likes, comments and striking visual frames. Users or marketers with websites, blogs or pages on Twitter and Facebook can share pictures on other networking platforms through this app. To maximise your Instagram feed that has seamless, gorgeous images falling into a cohesive pattern, take a look at the following infographic.

Click to Enlarge

Infographic credit: Ellen and Company Design.