Social Media Leads Seen Valuable


55% of marketers have closed deals from social media leads, according to a November 2011 report from Webmarketing123. Data from the “2011 State of Digital Marketing Report” indicates that marketers have had the most success with Facebook, with 40.7% saying they have closed a deal from a Facebook lead. Roughly one in 5 have also closed a deal from a lead generated on LinkedIn or Twitter. 68.4% of marketers say they have ever generated a lead from a social network, with Facebook (47%) again ahead of LinkedIn (34.8%) and Twitter (33.8%).

LinkedIn Best for B2B Lead Flow

When breaking the data down by marketing groups, some differences emerge. While Facebook has generated leads for 73% of B2C marketers, ahead of Twitter (40%) and LinkedIn (12%), it takes second rank for B2B marketers. Of those, 44.6% say LinkedIn has been effective in generating lead flow, with Facebook in second (35.1%), and Twitter (31.6%) in third.

In fact, among B2B marketers, more (35.3%) have never generated a lead from a social media site than have from Facebook or Twitter.

B2C Marketers Busy on Facebook

Facebook’s lead flow success among B2C marketers may be derived from their heavy activity on the network: an impressive 75.3% of B2C marketers say their brand is most active on Facebook, far outpacing those who say they are most active on Twitter (8.4%). LinkedIn fares poorly once again with this group: more B2C marketers report not using any social networks (7.9%) than being most active on LinkedIn (6.2%).

Meanwhile, while LinkedIn has proved most valuable to B2C marketers for lead flow, just 25.3% say they are most active in the professional social network, behind Twitter (25.6%) and Facebook (34.6%).

3 in 5 to Increase Social Media Spending

60% of marketers are planning on increasing their social media marketing budgets in 2012, ahead of 53.1% who plan to increase investment in SEO, and 40.2% who plan budget growth for their PPC activities. While a small minority plan a decrease in SEO and social media budgets, almost one in 10 say they will drop their PPC funding levels.

Social Media Examiner: 9 in 10 Marketers Use Social Media

93% of marketers use social media to market their businesses, according to a survey from SocialMedia Examiner. Data from “2011 Social Media Marketing Report” also indicates a significant 90% of marketers said that social media is important to their businesses. 49% of marketers engaging in social networking have less than one year of social media marketing experience. Another 39% have been using it for one to three years, with 11% having more than three years of experience and only 2% having no experience (figures total more than 100% due to rounding). In addition, study data indicates more B2B companies have been using social media longer (52.6% reported one year or more) than their B2C counterparts (46.2% indicated 1 year or longer). In 2010, only 31% of marketers were using social media for one or more years. Now that number has grown 61% to 50%.

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