The Logical Reasons Behind Facebook Like, Share and Comment (Infographic)


People have been liking, sharing and commenting on Facebook for years. Have you ever wondered why they do it so frequently?

Learning the reasons behind these actions seems a little bit useless. It isn’t. By knowing why people enjoy doing these activities will help you generate more traffic on Facebook.

Here are some important points to consider:

  • On average 44 percent of Facebookers “Like” content posted by their friends at least once a day, with 29 percent doing so several times per day.
  • A worldwide study by Ipsos found that around the globe people use Facebook to share interesting things (61 percent), and let others know what they believe in and who they really are (37 percent).
  • 10 percent of Facebook users change or update their own status on Facebook on a daily basis. While 25 percent of Facebook users say that they never change or update their own Facebook status.
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Infographic credit: Quicksprout.