The State of Social Media Marketing 2015 (Infographic)



Of all the marketing tools available today, social media continues to be the top priority for many business owners.

Despite the fact organic reach has become more and more difficult to achieve in recent years, social media remains an incredibly lucrative option. However, what social networks should you be capitalising on? Are mobile users more important than those on desktop and which industries can enjoy the most success?

What’s Hot for Social Media In 2015

As you would expect, social networks are constantly changing and adjusting their offering for everyday users as well as brands and businesses. However, what are the latest trends you should be aware of? Here is a quick list:

  • Facebook: Removed charge for likes and has made changes to NewsFeed visibility.
  • Twitter: Ability to stream periscope, a service for live broadcast and recording.
  • Instagram: Introduced Carousel Ads, which feature URLs and multiple photos can be swiped to find out more.
  • Pinterest: Buy-able pins button now live.
  • LinkedIn: Lead Accelerator offering to target and convert specific users.

Regardless of the social network you choose to promote your goods and services on, a fair amount of success is all but guaranteed. However, the extent in which you can engage with users and generate qualified leads will depend on a few things. First up, you’ll need to find out whether your audience is interacting with social media on desktop or mobile. Then, you must decide whether there is enough interest in your industry to make any social media activity worth it.

All the while, you should bear in mind the constantly changing landscape of social media which may or may not work in your favor.

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Infographic credit: SmartInsights and JBH Marketing.