7 Common Blogging Mistakes You Need To Avoid At All Cost (Infographic)


Have you ever realised how big the role of your company blog toward your business?
Undoubtedly, blog is one of the most important part of modern company website. With over 409 million people reading more than 17.6 billion blog pages every month, the big number is simply too good to be ignored. The problem is people … Continue reading “7 Common Blogging Mistakes You Need To Avoid At All Cost (Infographic)”

Meerkat or Periscope: Which One is The Best? (Infographic)


The epic battle of the two live streaming app has just begun.
Basically, live streaming technology isn’t new. However, in the last few months, there are two new players in the live streaming market: Meerkat and Periscope. They both allow users to share live-streamed video, and both received a ton of hype when they launched. Combined, … Continue reading “Meerkat or Periscope: Which One is The Best? (Infographic)”

The State of Social Media Marketing 2015 (Infographic)


Of all the marketing tools available today, social media continues to be the top priority for many business owners.
Despite the fact organic reach has become more and more difficult to achieve in recent years, social media remains an incredibly lucrative option. However, what social networks should you be capitalising on? Are mobile users more important … Continue reading “The State of Social Media Marketing 2015 (Infographic)”

SEO Mistakes Every Business Owners Need To Avoid (Infographic)


Managing a small business was difficult before the Internet age. Internet can simplify various marketing tasks, but it has a price to pay.
Now, thanks to Google, the opportunity for small businesses to compete with big names is equal. As a result, there are so many decisions to be made when determining how to best market … Continue reading “SEO Mistakes Every Business Owners Need To Avoid (Infographic)”

Optimise Your Website For The New Google Local Pack


SEO has always been a moving practice, where the dynamics in how the engines index, return websites and content drives are optimised. This is illustrated clearly in the recent changes to the Google Local pack.
Recently, Google has released a rather significant update in early August to how it displays local businesses within its results pages. … Continue reading “Optimise Your Website For The New Google Local Pack”

Facebook Business Page Has Been Optimised For Mobile Users


Facebook is updating its Page interface on mobile, showing off important information for viewers.
The updated design features in Facebook Page’s new sections are including a “shop” and “services” section. With the shop section, merchants can feature products on their Page, while the services section enables businesses to showcase a list of their offerings. What’s more, … Continue reading “Facebook Business Page Has Been Optimised For Mobile Users”