Getting to Know Google: A Brief History of the Biggest Search Engine Company in The World (Infographic)


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Founded in California in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google has evolved rapidly. The company has a vast number of Internet-related products and today, Google is one of the most successful companies worldwide with over 30,000 employees.

Google is essential in our daily lives and while it does have rivals, none will have the influence or market share that they have. Google is now even a term in the Oxford English Dictionary such is the regularity. This lengthy infographic will act as a “complementary”, which completing our previous post about the history of Google algorithms. Instead, this infographic explores the history of Google, which is filled with innovations and acquisitions making it also one of the most powerful and influential worldwide companies. It also has a lot of other aspects of Google, such as the origin of its name, the people and some interesting facts. An insight is also given of possible future developments in the company.

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