Buzzsumo: An Amazing SEO Tool To Create A Great Content



Most online and offline marketers all around the world have put the total faith that content is the king and an essential element of SEO.

However, a great content is useless if it is not properly distributed. Shares, links and engagement are necessary too. In this post, we are going to take a look at how you to stop wandering and start writing great content that people want to read, share and link to. One tool to ease your task is Buzzsumo. It’s a tool that allows you to view the most popular content on a website or by keyword.

As you can see above, this tool allows you to sort by the number of social shares, view links to different articles or even share the most popular content. Buzzsumo is a great tool to come up with content topics and titles that will be well-received when reaching out to other sites for guest posting opportunities.

The most popular posts can be searched based on a keyword and sorted them by social shares. This technique works great during brainstorming session for content on your own website. The” view backlinks” and “view sharers” option comes handy when it comes time to promote your content since you will have a list of people who are likely to share or link to your content. Here is what that looks like in the tool.


As you can see, one of the posts returned for “content marketing tips” has nine referring domains. All you need to do is find the contact information for those sites and you will have nine people to reach out to about your new content, repeat the process for the top 10-20 results and you will have a sizeable and well-targeted outreach list.