How To Protect Yourself on Facebook: Social Media Security Tips (Infographic)


Facebook is a kind of big deal when it comes to the number of users that they have worldwide, with estimated figures of around 1.5 billion.
This makes it easily the most widely used social networking site in the world. With such success and popularity that Facebook has, comes the inevitable attention from hackers and with … Continue reading “How To Protect Yourself on Facebook: Social Media Security Tips (Infographic)”

Paid or Free Facebook Advertising: Choosing The Right Strategy For You


Whether you spend any amount of time using it, when it comes to advertising and marketing, Facebook has become a valuable platform.
One example was a business that wanted to do a promotion around the holidays. They were in the process of releasing a new app, so they ran some promotions and gave new users a … Continue reading “Paid or Free Facebook Advertising: Choosing The Right Strategy For You”

Getting More Likes On Facebook In The Right Way (Infographic)


Facebook is one of the biggest (and most popular) social media platform in the world. It is known as the most favourable place among marketers to conduct social media campaign.
Still, growing genuine fans on Facebook is kind of tricky. While there are numerous premium Facebook features you can employ, it is necessary to understand the … Continue reading “Getting More Likes On Facebook In The Right Way (Infographic)”

How To Become A Great Facebook Business Manager (Infographic)


The days when businesses and companies alike created different profiles to manage their Facebook pages are long gone with the coming of Facebook Business Manager.
The era of taking turns when using one log-in to access a business page has been over when Facebook officially launched the Facebook Business Manager in April 2014. With Facebook Business Manager, you can assign … Continue reading “How To Become A Great Facebook Business Manager (Infographic)”

Facebook Is Attempting To Make Your Facebook News Feed “More Personal”


Here is another change in Facebook’s News Feed algorithm.
Facebook announced a new change to the algorithim that powers its News Feed. This time, the change is meant to make the stories you see “more personally informative.”
The idea, Facebook says, is to create a new ranking system — personalized to each user — that is able to … Continue reading “Facebook Is Attempting To Make Your Facebook News Feed “More Personal””

Facebook Post Optimisation: Is It Even Possible?


Facebook’s Head of Product for News Feed Adam Mosseri has given an excellent in-depth explanation of how the News Feed works and how the algorithm decides what content to serve to each user.
However, there was one point that raised an important question which Mosseri didn’t elaborate upon in his notes. When discussing the key elements that Facebook … Continue reading “Facebook Post Optimisation: Is It Even Possible?”