Claiming and Optimising Your Google+ Local Business Listing


Small or new websites usually become intimidated when they are entering the search market. This is usually due to the amount of information being trafficked daily by already established websites. Google and other search engines use a set of ranking criteria to come up with statistics, which are usually differentiated by small margins, of listing websites and domains. One thing is common for most search engines: they rely on citations and business listing to come up with a rank for all domains.

If you are one of the millions of small business owners that do not have a Google Plus account or have one, but cannot find your old Google Places page, you definitely need some help. This post will provide you the best way to get back in the local search game.

Claim and Merge Your Google+ Local Page

After replacing the Google Place pages, the new Google+ local pages now has the capability of offering more information about your small business. You can provide as much information as you can about it. The information should be comprehensive and accurate. Providing misguiding information or that which is not true only puts your domain in a risk as would be repetitive customers will avoid from using your services. A basic Google+ local page profile will provide information on necessities, such as type of business, the working schedule, and a link to your business’ website.

The difference between the new local page and the old one lies in the media such as, photos and videos. In this new Google+ local page, the profile, pictures, videos, etc. are friendly for visitors to place their comments and reviews. Merge your page with your business will give it more robust media to share your products with prospective customers.

Make Yourself Visible

Visibility will publish your profile to anyone who is willing to learn about your business. It allows potential business partners to learn about you in greater depths. It also educates your customers more about the resources, apart from merely letting them know about your products.

A public Google+ page aids you to create a good relationship with customers. Your business can attract people who are seeking for product reviews in which you deal. Web presence offers a large market and an equal platform of business growth without financial discrimination.

Allow Your Customers to Place Reviews And Testimonials

A large majority of online customers has the tendency of shopping for products, which have numerous positive customer reviews. This goes without mentioning that you need to create a forum where visitors can leave their reviews. The more reviews you get, the more chances you stand of convincing a customer that you are an expert in your area.

Ensure your page has a means of persuading customers to leave positive reviews. Increased positive listings always make it easier for first timers to try doing business with you. The reviews also earn you a high score, as the SEO companies will use it to rank your business when customers search the business type you entered in your profile.

Engage Customers in Searches

Your Google+ local page allows you to connect with your customers and interact with them. With this in mind, you can upload relevant pictures and continuously update reviews on new products the business has to offer. New contents aid you to reach out more customers who will be willing to connect and share your posts and photos on other sites. The increase in your customer base places you in a position of getting more customers who in return can post positive reviews on your page. The process goes on and on as your online market base increases.

Marketing via Google+ can be daunting for those who have never dealt with it before. Contact us at The Website Marketing Group for more tips in optimising your Google+ business account.

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