Cyfler as the New Media to Promote Your Business


Are you looking for a new way to promote your business other than using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest? Do you want to get more opportunities and reach other marketing target? If the answer is yes, you should try Cyfler (

Through this new advertising site, you will be able to create a “billboard” (often shortened as “bilbo”). The bilbo has the ability to integrate with other social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. “We emphasize on visual communication, not textual ones like traditional business directory” said Anton Widodo, the founder of Cyfler.

But Cyfler does not stop as “online billboard”. The other things that may interesting about Cyfler is the business recommendation system. It is very similar with the “Recommended Friends / Follower” on Facebook or Twitter, but the difference lies on the object of recommendation. Cyfler recommends business to other people.

To achieve easy utilization for its users, there are some categories in Cyfler like fashion, hobbies, clothing, etc. Later, they can add Needs and Offers of their business. The objective is to unite those who need something to they who offer it, the same concept applied in updating status on social media. Of course, as the other social networking sites, the effectiveness of this site will depend on how many potential users who also joined in it.

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