The State Of Data-Driven Marketing In 2015 (Infographic)


Slowly but sure, data is taking over the marketing world. The following infographic will prove it.

In a survey of 3,000 marketers and advertisers working in 17 different countries, a recent study found that data is becoming an increasingly integral tool for marketers everywhere.

There’s many important data points in the infographic, yet the most significant finding from the study wasn’t even included in the finished product: Spending on data has increased exponentially year-over-year. 63% of respondents reported budget growth in 2013, while an additional 10% expected even more money to go toward data in 2014.

Check out the infographic below for more insights about how data is transforming the way we evaluate our marketing. Considering that 77% of marketers are confident in their data-driven approaches, it looks like they won’t need any immediate solutions in the near future.

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