Vine Fights Back: Twitter Started Email Marketing Vine to Recent Users


this picture represents vine, the social media sharing based on 6 seconds video loops, logo

Instagram had launched its new video service last month (you can read the complete post about this service here), which allows users to post a short fifteen seconds video to their profile.

If we take a look on the app’s performance, Instagram’s video has a number of better features than Vine, such as image stabilisation and video filters – not to mention the much larger audience. Now, Twitter are trying anything they can to get new users for Vine.

So Twitter are now email marketing to its users who have not signed up for Vine.

The problem is, while Vine worked perfectly fine for the Twitter or certain community, it kind of failed to get attraction in a more general demographic (especially in Australia). On the other hand, it is something Instagram didn’t have a problem with. Other problem is the fact that Vine is a rather slow app (when connected to fast WiFi), which just lead to frustration and consequently encourage users to stopped using it.

Earlier in the week, Vine had released a fairly major update to fix some issues in functionality, probably one of the most requested features being the introduction of private/protected accounts and ‘revining’ (a “ReTweet” feature for Vine).

It is obvious that Twitter is pressing Vine hard, but are Instagram and Facebook just too big to battle with?