“Trace Your Road” Promotion: A Real-Life Gaming Experience


This is another creative way to launch a new product. Introducing “Trace Your Road,” a real-life video game event featuring Formula 1 driver, Jarno Trulli. The promotion itself is held by Lexus, to introduce its latest hybrid car.
“Trace Your Road” involves a series of improvised racetracks, each one designed by one of ten contest winners. … Continue reading ““Trace Your Road” Promotion: A Real-Life Gaming Experience”

Creative Promotion: Coca-Cola’s Social Robot


Imagine this: a robot that replaces your appearance when you are unable to join a party. Sounds like one of those science fiction movies? Think again. Here is Coca-Cola’s Social Robot that represented teenagers in Israel who can’t join in the fun of the Coca-Cola Summer Love Festival. They can control the robot  from their computers at home
With … Continue reading “Creative Promotion: Coca-Cola’s Social Robot”

The State of Small Business Website Marketing (Infographic)


Social media, content marketing and website optimisation have given more opportunity for many small businesses to win more leaders at a lower cost than their larger competitors. A significant research finding revealed that the amount of content that small businesses produce is increasing. On average, small-business websites now feature 140 pages of content and publish … Continue reading “The State of Small Business Website Marketing (Infographic)”

Creative Promotion: A Mind Reader Beer Machine


Another beer vending machine promotion? Yeah, but how about a “mind reading” beer vending machine? Created by Castle Lite, the ‘Extra Cold Mind Reader’ installation challenges people to think about how cold they want their beer, the colder their thought process, the more beer the mind reading machine pours. The game is simple: all you have to … Continue reading “Creative Promotion: A Mind Reader Beer Machine”